HiMac Center
HiMac Biz Retreats, Workshops, and Mindset Groups
The HiMac Biz Retreats are designed to provide the participant a comprehensive learning environment complete with critical thinking, hands-on activities relating to the subject matter, networking, professional feedback, and one on one attention to help you reach your goals and outcomes. We offer virtual, and face-to-face sessions to support the learning environment best for you.

Leading Ladies Self Care Getaways
"Everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose" (Marla Gibbs)
Relax - Renew - Retreat
Leading Ladies weekend retreats are valuable female specific escapes to release your thinking and activate your wisdom from within to take care of self, embrace your skills, motivate those around you, process and focus thinking, and most importantly learn tips for managing stress and mental health in your busy life.
These getaways are meant to be a time for relaxation and leadership learning discussions and approaches. Participants learn concepts of being aware and present in the now to support life shifts, the ability to identify clearly the hidden forces shaping your perceptions, learning techniques to be in the present and not on autopilot in our actions, and simply to take time to enjoy and smell the roses that life has to offer through adventure, discussion, and networking with others. Participants explore numerology, crystal healing, benefits of tea, meditation, herbs that support healthy living, and much more.
Space is limited to a small number of ladies at each retreat (15 max). Non-refundable deposit to hold space $30. Pick the ones you want to attend and hold your space with a deposit. Email us to get on the 'Self-Care Getaway" list of information and to receive your invoice for the getaway requested. Invoices sent out 1-month prior to event date.
What does my registration fee cover (Payment Plans Available):
Accommodations (B&B/Villa Style Rooms/Houses/Cabins)
Day 1 - Lunch and Evening Reception; Day 2 - Breakfast
Swag Bag Gift of Comfort (Value - $150)
Travel Certificate
Discussion Journal
Self-Care Health/Fitness Activity
Upcoming Retreats

Minding Your Biz Cruise
5-Days Cozumel (Port: Galveston, TX); includes training
Description: This is a 5-day cruise to Cozumel with two days of business preparation and leadership training. During the 2-days of training, we discuss everything from getting started in business or as a business consultant, the business plan, preparing to write grants, and collaborating with others. This is an action-packed two days of learning from other business leaders making a difference by being self-employed. Email your interest for further information and registration: himaccenter@yahoo.com
It's time to move with intention and get you on the right track toward your successful journey as an entrepreneur.
Make your deposit and then email for further registration and payment details.

Designing Intentional School and Family Partnerships
Virtual Zoom - May 7, 2024; 10 am-12 pm
Description: Engage in conversation with other educators to identify resources and characteristics that help youth be successful in their community and school. Identifying ways to involve family in school activities and ways to produce more meaningful family involvement in school activities.
Key walkaways: Definition of involvement and intentional activities, identifying attitudes and assumptions, and developing an action plan to move involvement forward.

Writing Retreat - Mindful Core Ideology
November 16, - 9 am-6 pm (Fee includes training materials, breakfast and lunch)
Description: We will remove you from distractions and dive deep into your core ideology mindset to help you rethink, restructure, or even revise your entrepreneurial endeavors.
This unique writing retreat will allow you to focus on 2025, including a vision board and action plan for the next level of success on your journey. You will leave with an action plan and a detailed vision board to display for a constant reminder of where you are going in 2025 and potential collaboration with others to help you get there.
Our focus for this writing retreat is transitioning to the next phase of our lives, purpose, and mindset to get us on our successful journey - visions for change.
Email your interest for further information and registration: himaccenter@yahoo.com
Deadline to register: October 26, 2024
Space will be limited, breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. $75 per person

Business Mindset Group
Next session starts in October 2024
Business Mindset Group Benefits include:
4 Monthly Virtual Sessions (1 hr.)
Program Mapping Assessment Coaching Guide (To prepare for grant development)
Individual Business Coaching - up to 2 hrs. a month
15% discount on program evaluation
5-Day Annual Minding Your Biz Cruise (Cozumel - Training and Cruise Discounted)
Spring Discount